
eroman sex games

Gas Station Pussy Our hero Eroman is all over town doing his thing being the sexy manly man that he is. This time we find him at a gas station. He has his hot girlfrie...
Eroman: Gym In the gym there are lots of hot women you would like to fuck. And since you are Eroman you get your pick of any of the lovely ladies you see if you ...
Eroman: Sexy Man! Eroman is such a stud that he is highly sought after by women needing a hard fuck. So, with these skills in mind he was hired to go out on an outcall...
Wish Fulfillment Well this is a Christmas game in March. And as you would have it, Eroman is out and about and in a giving mood. He is into wish fulfillment and ther...
Mr. Eroman with some Bad Babes Eroman has a big fat cock. He loves to meet people and he really loves to help. He often goes out for the day for a walk and will somehow be sticking ...
Eroman Dating A story of our hero out on a date. The man gets around and seldom eats alone. He slips his cock in so much hot pussy he has become a hero to men ever...
Eroman Party Boy A Christmas party can be fun. And this one is attended by our hero Eroman. He loves women and they seem to love him as they are always throwing so mu...
The Seducer - Eroman This is the story of his life, Eroman and the way he just seems to fall into pussy. No matter where our Eroman goes, he seems to just get the hottest...
New Years with Eroman Eroman is such a great dude he is out doing his X-mas shopping when he sees a broken down bus full of women. He decides they need his help and he go...
Eroman In the Viillage So Eroman just ran out of gas in the middle of Timbuktu and he has to find his gas! So on his hunt he finds some village girls that need his help a...
Robbery: With Eroman Who digs hot chicks that are also robbers and need your help to burglar? I would help any hot chick and so would Eroman. So, that is the scene and yo...

Harem Heroes
Sexy Walk with Eroman So this dude is out there just being himself and taking a walk. He just wants to relax and enjoy his afternoon, but then as it seems to happen everyw...
A Wedding for Eroman This is the place Eroman never wants to be, as a groom. He likes his hot pussy too much and all he does is find women, or they find him and he gets s...
Eroman enjoys a Mountain Hotel There is a lovely hotel in the mountains that Eroman is visiting. He is enjoying his time there but has met a woman who needs some help. He of course...
Eroman at the University This is a full day of fucking for our man Eroman. He was called back to the Uni to help. He encounters cooks, co-eds, teachers, and even the princip...
Eroman Beach Eroman needs some time off! He has been busy with all his hunnies and now needs some time to himself. He decides some time in the sun sounds relaxing ...
Eroman Sexy Day The best part about vacation is that you get the feeling that your life is your own and your time is your own. No boss or time card to punch in. So, ...
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